Mental Rapture

A Woman’s Substance (Beauty)

advice beauty character identity introspective mentalhealth self-developmemnt substance values women Feb 25, 2024

"I would love to delve deeper into the concept of womanhood, especially as I am actively exploring it on my own journey."

"Finding a role model is tough in a society, given that a significant portion of our society faces challenges, and many of us hail from broken backgrounds, histories, and families. However, I draw upon my own experiences and the lessons I've learned, working with what I know, and I am eager to share my insights with others. I genuinely believe in the value of what I have learned, and I want to contribute to our collective understanding because I believe it holds truth and significance. I also draw inspiration from the wisdom of King Solomon. He advised his sons to be discerning in their interactions with women, providing valuable insights into the qualities to avoid and those to cherish. While acknowledging the complexities of relationships, this can help us navigate our journey with an awareness of these teachings, seeking to embrace virtues and qualities that align with wisdom and righteousness."

A woman’s Substance (Beauty)

In a world often fixated on superficial standards, the concept of a woman of substance challenges conventional norms. Beyond mere appearances, her essence is defined by the way she carries herself. It goes beyond the visual, encompassing a distinctive presence, mindset, and aura that sets her apart. Her beauty, elusive and profound, lies in the intangible qualities that one can feel rather than simply see. In rare instances, she effortlessly embodies both outward and inward beauty, a harmonious blend of grace that further accentuates her substance. This shift in thinking redefines beauty, emphasizing the depth of character and the unspoken qualities that truly make a woman exceptional.


Dear reader,

Let's express that differently, or in simpler terms, and then contrast it with the opposite of what defines a woman of substance.


A Woman of Substance

A woman of substance embodies a captivating essence that goes beyond mere physical attributes. Her strength comes out from the way she carries herself – a confident stride, poised demeanour, and a genuine warmth that draws people in. Her mindset is characterized by intelligence, resilience, and a deep sense of purpose. This woman exudes a distinctive aura that leaves a lasting impression, making her a source of inspiration for those around her. Her beauty is not confined to the visible; it's found in the kindness she extends, the wisdom she shares, and the positive energy she radiates. In rare cases, she possesses both outward and inward beauty, effortlessly blending grace with substance, creating a powerful presence that resonates.


Contrast - Woman of Superficial Persona

On the flip side, the woman driven by superficial values relies heavily on outward appearances and what her reputation appears to be like in the eyes of others. Her focus is on meeting societal standards of beauty rather than cultivating a depth of character. This persona may prioritize trends over authenticity, valuing fleeting physical attributes over enduring qualities. In social interactions, her presence might lack the depth that comes from genuine self-awareness and a well-defined sense of purpose. This type may invest more in the illusion of beauty, neglecting the opportunity to cultivate a substantive impact on those around her.


The contrast between these two archetypes highlights the enduring allure of substance over superficiality, demonstrating that true beauty goes beyond what meets the eye.


Benefits of Being with a Woman of Substance

Choosing a woman of substance as a life partner offers profound advantages. While no one is flawless, her focus on personal growth and essential values allows for a partnership built on shared principles. Her commitment to meaningful pursuits provides a solid foundation for long-term satisfaction. In challenging times, she brings resilience and a problem-solving mindset to the relationship, allowing both partners to navigate difficulties together. Unlike fleeting attributes, her enduring qualities become a source of stability and inspiration. The flaws she may have are viewed as opportunities for growth, fostering a relationship grounded in mutual support and continuous improvement.


Consequences of Being with a Superficial Woman

Conversely, a relationship with a superficial woman may bring about serious challenges. Prioritizing external appearances can lead to financial strain, as substantial resources may be put out to fleeting trends and beauty maintenance. Vain pursuits could overshadow shared values, leaving the relationship lacking depth and meaning. The emphasis on superficiality may result in a constant pursuit of external validation, potentially leading to a fragile self-esteem that affects the dynamics of the relationship. As the focus remains on the surface, the relationship may lack the substance needed to face, handle, and solve the complexities of life, ultimately leaving both partners unfulfilled. The consequences of prioritizing looks over substance can have a lasting impact on the overall health and sustainability of the relationship.



Let's illustrate each type of woman in real-life situations





  1. Personal Growth:
  •  A woman of substance engages in regular self-reflection, self-regulation, attends workshops, and seeks opportunities for personal development. This could include further education, learning new skills, and actively working on becoming the best version of herself.


2. Values and Principles:

  •  In everyday situations, she consistently makes decisions based on her core values. Every decision she makes, every conviction she holds, the time she invests, and the resources she allocates revolve around a singular, unwavering core value that defines her essence. For instance, she might prioritize honesty and integrity, even when faced with difficult choices, ensuring that her actions align with her beliefs.


3. Resilience in Challenging Times:

  •  During tough times, she approaches challenges with a positive mindset and a determination to find solutions. She emphasizes her attitude because she knows the impact of attitude on life. She understands that her mental stance is more crucial than appearance, giftedness, or skill, and that it can either make or break a company, a unit, or a home. She is constantly focused on improving, repositioning, and transforming her mindset. For instance, if facing a career setback, she focuses on learning from the experience and adapting rather than dwelling on negativity.


4. Mutual Support and Continuous Improvement:

  •  In the relationship, she actively supports her partner's goals and encourages mutual growth. If there are flaws or challenges in the relationship, she views them as opportunities for both partners to learn and improve, fostering an environment of support and growth.




1. Prioritizing External Appearances:

  •  Constantly investing time and money in following the latest fashion trends, beauty treatments, and expensive accessories. The emphasis is on creating a polished external image, often at the expense of other important aspects of life.


2. Financial Strain:

  •  Spending significant amounts on material possessions and cosmetic enhancements without considering long-term financial implications. This can lead to financial strain and potentially impact the stability of the relationship long-term.


3. Fragile Self-Esteem:

  •  Seeking constant validation through social media, focusing on the number of likes and followers. The self-esteem is tied to external approval, making her vulnerable to fluctuations in public perception and potentially affecting the relationship dynamics.


4. Lack of Substance in Relationships:

  •  The relationship may lack depth and meaning, as conversations revolve around superficial topics. Shared values and common goals are often overshadowed by a focus on external appearances, societal expectations, and status.


In summary, a woman of substance brings depth, resilience, and mutual support to a relationship, while a superficial woman may contribute to financial strain and a lack of meaningful connection. Choosing a life partner with substance can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable relationship built on shared values and continuous growth.




Understanding Beauty

Relying solely on physical beauty is akin to building on an ephemeral foundation, susceptible to the passing of time. The truth lies in the understanding that external aesthetics are transient, subject to change as years unfold. While taking care of oneself through cleanliness, health, and simplicity is commendable, it is imperative not to let the pursuit of augmented beauty dominate one's thoughts.


True cultivation involves nurturing internal qualities that outlast the fleeting nature of physical appearance. Intelligence, kindness, loyalty, integrity, self-control, resilience, and compassion are enduring attributes that contribute to genuine attractiveness. Prioritizing mental and emotional well-being forms a foundation that enhances overall allure, fostering a sense of self-worth beyond the superficial.


While personal care is essential, the emphasis should shift from the external to the internal. A balanced approach involves appreciating and maintaining one's physical health while recognizing that authentic beauty emanates from a harmonious blend of inner virtues… inner health. This perspective not only promotes a healthier self-image but also contributes to a more meaningful and fulfilling life journey.


Transforming our understanding of beauty is a crucial journey that safeguards against long-term and irreversible effects. Society often imposes narrow standards, emphasizing external appearances to the detriment of deeper, enduring qualities. To navigate this, we must shift our perception, recognizing that true beauty resides not just in the visible but in the intangible virtues that define character. This transformation involves appreciating qualities like loyalty, integrity, love, kindness, respect, patience, gentleness intelligence, and resilience as integral components of beauty.


By broadening our definition of beauty, we cultivate a mindset that values substance over superficiality. This shift shields us from the potentially harmful consequences of fixating on fleeting physical attributes. It allows for the development of relationships based on shared values, mutual growth, and emotional resilience, forming a foundation that withstands the tests of time. As well as benefit every level of human life; the relationship, to the family, to the school, to the community, to the nation, to the world.


Embracing a transformed understanding of beauty also fosters self-acceptance and resilience. Individuals are empowered to appreciate their unique qualities, recognizing that true beauty transcends societal norms. This shift reduces the reliance on external validation, promoting mental well-being and a positive self-image.


In the long run, such a transformation contributes to a more inclusive and compassionate society. It encourages a celebration of diversity and individuality, challenging unrealistic beauty standards. By instilling these values in future generations, we pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable perception of beauty that stands the test of time.

In a world captivated by trends and fleeting fancies, a woman of substance is the timeless classic – she's not just a page in the book of style; she's the entire captivating story. Beauty may catch the eye, but substance captures the heart, making her the enduring protagonist in the narrative of genuine allure. So, in the grand symphony of life, choose a woman of substance – she's not just a note; she's the entire melody that resonates through the ages.



Advice for Women

This insight is vital, especially for young girls who may be influenced by society's focus on superficial beauty. It's crucial for young girls to understand that society's focus on superficial beauty is fleeting and attracts low-quality experiences. Beauty goes beyond physical appearances; investing time in constructing and accumulating a strong foundation is essential. Personal growth and maintenance, often dismissed in favor of societal ideals, are the keys to lasting, genuine beauty.

Principles, morals, and values form the core of a woman's life. Despite the challenges stemming from a broken society and fragmented backgrounds, understanding and embodying these principles are vital. As I continue to figuring out what it means to be a woman and navigate my own journey of discovering womanhood, I'll be sharing my insights through a writing. In a world that often lacks role models, I hope to contribute to a genuine understanding of what it means to be a good woman. Stay tuned for a deeper exploration into the essence of womanhood.




How can a Woman of Substance Cultivate her Beauty?

How does a woman of substance work on her beauty? She works from the inside-out, not the outside-in. This means before she looks in the physical mirror to doll her hair, nails, face, and body enhancements, she takes a step back form the world,  isolating herself to scrutinize her heart, mind, and soul in the mirror. What is that mirror? The bible. She must take a look at her reflection and perceive what is actually there. She engages in genuine hygienic work—decluttering, eliminating, cleaning, and reorganizing her mind, heart, and soul. It is the purest process of pruning.

As this process goes along, she is being cleansed from the inside, and eventually this will even pierce through the outside, in a natural way. It naturally manifests externally, resulting in an indescribable, enduring beauty. Have you ever encountered a woman that is indescribably naturally beautiful? Whose beauty captivates you effortlessly? You don’t know what it is about her but her beauty hits you very hard? This is what this is. This is the result of such inner work.

Beware of being a woman with external beauty but internal decay. You do not want to be a beautiful woman in looks but be rotten in the inside. Over time, if neglected, this ugliness exposes itself and can lead to self-destruction. As time goes on, if not worked on, destroys you from the inside out. It's crucial not to be outwardly beautiful but rotten on the inside.

Consider a carnal analogy of smoking cigarettes—a young, beautiful woman may smoke for years, hiding any internal issues behind her God-given beauty. Yet, as time catches up, the neglected internal well-being starts to catch up with her and manifest externally with time.

Of course, some women attempt to cheat their way through cosmetic enhancements, but such solutions are ultimately ineffective. Because not only are they temporary, but they also come at a cost—a trade-off that exacts a toll on various aspects of one's health, including physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. It literally takes a piece, a portion, of your health through legal agreement (when signing papers to move forward with the procedure). At its core, this approach involves an element of identity distortion. Consequently, women in this situation often find themselves facing heightened insecurities. In their ambition to conceal natural and internal aspects, they risk losing their true selves. Their focus on external image, driven by societal expectations or the pursuit of social validation and advancement, contributes to a disconnection from their authentic identity.

Again, you do not want to be a woman with such beauty on the inside but with rottenness on the inside. Because one day when it caches up to you, it will hit you at your core to a point you may never be able to recover from facing the reality of the result of the substance value. The only way you could recover from it is if you possess an insane height of humility.

Rethink the way you see beauty. Rethink where you invest your time, energy, attention, and most importantly… your health.

Wouldn’t you rather preserve the fragments of yourself, rather than sacrificing it as a price for beauty? Isn’t it more attractive for anyone to be whole? Wouldn’t you want to be made whole?

 One of my favourite questions, Jesus Christ asked a sick man he was ready to heal was the following question in Book of John 5:5 “When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?”


Do you know what it means to 'be whole'?


I will write about it one day. But know that it is the desire that hides in the depts of the heart (or mind, or subconscious) of every man. Who doesn’t want to be healthy?


For now here are some hints to give you an idea of what 'wholeness' means:

Old English:

  •  the immediate ancestor of "whole" is the Old English word "hāl," which meant "healthy," "safe," “sound,” and "whole."
  •  this usage suggests a connection between physical well-being and the concept of being complete or lacking damage.
  •  free of wound or injury
  •  free of defect or impairment 
  •  having all its proper parts or components
  •  physically sound and healthy free of disease or deformity
  •  mentally or emotionally sound
  •  constituting the total sum or undiminished entirety
  •  constituting an undivided unit 
  •  constituting the entirety of a person's nature or development
  •  seemingly complete or total
  •  unbroken
  •  entire
  •  directed to one end 



Okay… that should leave you with enough to think about what “wholeness” means in the context of health… not only physical, but mental and spiritual health. Overall health and well-being.



Going Back to the Topic of 'The Substance of a Woman'…

Understanding the real meaning of beauty is crucial because many young girls have the wrong idea, get it wrong, or have not been nurtured to understand that societal emphasis on superficial beauty is short-term and tends to attract less valuable aspects of life. They are often led to believe that only outward appearances matter, but this kind of beauty is temporary and can attract negative things in life. True beauty transcends mere physical appearance. It goes beyond looks; it involves investing time in constructing, building, and accumulating a robust foundation and nurturing strong qualities. I, too, once fixated on my looks, aspiring to conform to societal standards. I used to care a lot about fitting in and looking like everyone else. I considered tasks like homework and housework as tedious and pointless. It was challenging to grasp why my parents emphasized such seemingly mundane activities, especially in the contemporary era... this modern world, where hard work is not valued. However, through personal growth, maturation, and revelation, I came to understand that qualities derived from such efforts, or in other words, beauty maintenance, not only age gracefully but endure indefinitely, and… attract the highest valuable aspects of life. Your beauty mark last a lifetime.




What are Principles, Morals, Values to live by as a Woman? 

I would love to go more in-depth about womanhood, as I myself am discovering it actively on my own. It is hard to find the right model when the majority of our society is broken, and most of us come from broken backgrounds, histories, and families, but I work with what I know and have been taught; and I want to share it with our because I genuinely believe it to be true.


I will speak briefly about it on here, but I aim to make a writing and podcast espidode on what a good woman looks like.


As for now, a great source for women and young ladies to refer to when thinking of becoming a good woman is the following:


Proverbs 31:10-31 (KJV)

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.


I went as far as asking my sister Shekinah what her definition of 'A Woman of Substance' is, and truly believed the ones below apply:


* doesn’t need to be asked to do work

* doesn’t wait for someone else to work

* her character doesn’t change depending on the situation or people around her

* ⁠she is PROUD to be a good woman

* ⁠doesn’t envy

* ⁠isn’t bitter or past-oriented

* ⁠adapts easily

* ⁠clean in and outside

* ⁠knows how to sacrifice

* ⁠knows how to pray for people she loves

* ⁠is prepared for anything to happen without falling apart

* ⁠planner for the betterment of people around her

* ⁠doesn’t need to be told what /when to do something

* ⁠is future and present oriented to help herself and people around her

* ⁠isn’t lazy

* ⁠is a woman of her word regardless of her mood


I will end this blog by listing the virtues of a woman of substance. This will help you delve into the idea and develop and gain a better understanding of what a woman of substance truly embodies. Recognizing these qualities will guide you in knowing what to look for, providing a clearer sense of direction when choosing a her




10 Virtues we can Pull from the Proverbs 31 Woman



This serves as the foundation of her life and all her good works. This is her absolute. In other words, it stands as the bedrock of her existence and the cornerstone of all her virtuous endeavors. Her faith is unshakeable and she uses it as the guiding principle for every decision, action, chosen path, and engagement. In all facets of her life, she anchors herself to this absolute.

Her love, trust, and unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ fill every aspect of her being, meticulously upheld through a constant nurtured relationship with Him, where prayer becomes the conduit for communication and connection.




She is a faithful and steadfast bride who knows what is for her and what is not. She acts accordingly and maintains her integrity. If she has not yet, she actively aims to master discerning what aligns with her essence and what does not. Her actions are a testament to this discernment. Whether expressing love to her current husband or in anticipation of a future one, she diligently nurtures her connection with Christ, embodying being a bride of Christ through the cultivation of her sacred relationship with him




She embodies the essence of a nurturing mother or mother figure, with her children and those within her circle bestowing upon her the title of ‘blessed’. Her demeanor is characterized by attentiveness, kindness, and profound respect towards her own children and those divinely placed in her care, fulfilling the sacred roles of caregiving, nurturing, and unwavering support.




She places a premium on the well-being of her physical, mental, and spiritual health. She recognizes and understands the significance of nurturing not only herself but also her family and those within her sphere, she refrains from neglecting this profound responsibility. With a judicious, (done with good judgment, sense, and prudence that is) use of time, she conscientiously dedicates moments for rest and recovery, ensuring her readiness to wholeheartedly serve her loved ones, all orchestrated with unwavering adherence to a disciplined schedule.




Her servitude flows effortlessly, adorned with love, kindness, gentleness, and boundless patience. She possesses an natural ability to establish and honor boundaries, skillfully navigating the delicate balance of offering a helping hand to those in genuine need and gracefully withdrawing from individuals harboring malice or unwilling to embrace change. While her heart yearns to assist, she carries the wisdom to utter a firm "no" when necessary, demonstrating a no-nonsense approach that leaves no room for ambiguity or compromise. She does not play around.




She is a wise steward of the gifts of God has given her. She is a good honey manager. A virtuoso in the arts of organization, maintenance, and order of a house. She not only recognizes but also harnesses the manifold gifts, abilities, and blessings with which she has been given. She doesn’t take those gifts, abilities, and blessings for granted, but has it in her heart to do it in the best of her abilities.

She puts on her energy in using it for the greater good of everyone in her household, community, and everyone she is connected to. Her discerning approach extends beyond personal gain, as she employs these treasures for the collective well-being of the world.




This woman is extremely hardworking. She epitomizes industriousness, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the betterment of those in her sphere. She refuses to make any excuses that hinder the betterment of those around her. She is industiorous and works with willing, zealous, and earnest hands. On difficult days, she does not groom, grumble, or complain when it’s time to complete her task. On days she is tried, weak, or frail, she is not afraid to call upon the Lord to renew her strength, to guide her with his guiding light, and to follow his instructions with complete trust and obedience. She is unyielding in her pursuit of excellence by maintaining her personal relationship and connection with God.




She is a good home manager. She excels as a proficient home manager, recognizing that homemaking transcends mere domestic duties—it is a sacred ministry to her family, a service that ripples outward into the community and the world, as she has grasp to bigger picture and ability to see the future. Pouring effort, energy, time, and love into every detail, she is dedicated to crafting, sustaining, and safeguarding an atmosphere within the household. She aims to protect it at all cost. Her aspiration is to mold it into a haven, fostering safety, nurturing growth, and embodying love, joy, and peace.




She spends her time wisely on what is good and essential. She exercises prudence in allocating her time, meticulously safeguarding her thoughts to prevent any misuse of this precious resource. She has it in her heart to nurture the health, benefits, growth, and wealth of everyone she is connected to. Acknowledging the pivotal importance and role of a clear, sound, and focused mind in carrying out good works, she maintains a constant dialogue with Christ as she understands that everything starts in the mind and without the mind in good shape, she is not able to carryout those good works.

Through prayer, she seeks the Christ’s divine guidance in the delicate art of time management, constantly petitioning Christ, asking Him to teach her how to number her seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years for the benefit of His kingdom, her husband’s realm, and the overall world. With an sharp understanding of time's unparalleled value, she is earnestly committed to utilizing it in the most purposeful and impactful manner possible.




Her style and beauty are a testament to the supernatural, creativity and uniqueness, adorned with a godly aura that transcends mere aesthetics. She tastefully dons attire that is both appropriate and impactful, exuding a subtle influence that prompts introspective reflections in those around her. So much it quickens others the want to do intropesrtive work to reevaluate their life and stance.

Whether in her tangible or intangible posture and grace she carries, there is an undeniable poise—a straight and vibrant presence that emanates a natural presence of love, beauty, and strength. It's a compelling aura, elusive and mysterious, leaving the average observer captivated by the profound depth of the presence she imparts—a force that can be distinctly felt but hard to pinpoint.




Her sacrificial nature is a nuanced virtue. She has a natural tendency to put others needs before her own. One that should not misinterpreted as neglect, disrespect, or an indicative of low self-esteem. Quite the contrary, she places an immense emphasis on self-care, in order to take good care of others. Her sacrificial spirit manifests in a profound commitment to others, extending beyond personal considerations.

Willing to endure setbacks, persevere through challenges, and redirect attention from personal pursuits, she perceives the enduring benefits of collaborative efforts. She values team work. She embraces the philosophy that delaying personal recognition and working collectively contributes to deep, lasting effects that resonate for future generations. Demonstrating patience, humility, and a willingness to step back for the greater good, she embodies sacrifice for the sake of the enduring improvement and betterment of the collective.




Submission is an art often overlooked and underrated. In the contemporary era, it carries an unfortunate negative connotation and is sometimes viewed as an insult. However, the reality is that submission represents the pinnacle of power. Recognizing the inherent substance, quality, and value within oneself, and willingly lowering or bowing down for the greater good, showcases a remarkable strength. This profound ability to yield, offering indirect benefits and creating space for others to learn, is truly astonishing. The source of this strength lies in the quiet yet potent force known as humility.




She embodies a quiet strength, unencumbered by the need to prove herself, for her focus lies on the unseen and enduring aspects of life. Possessing a profound understanding of humanity and human nature, she values the benefits of yielding. Recognizing the futility of counterproductive arguments, quarrels, and wasted energy, she navigates her journey with humility at its helm.

Trusting in the wisdom of time, she believes it to be a revealer, speaking for those who cannot. She is attuned to the laws of nature, comprehending that all things find their rightful place in due course. Understanding the essence of nature, she refrains from forcing or arguing, preserving her substance, energy, health, time, and composure. Her humility becomes a powerful force, as she acknowledges that nothing speaks louder or teaches better than humility. Driven by a love for humanity greater than her love for herself, she embraces humility to generate positive effects that can resonate across the world.



Long-Suffering / Patience-Endurance

A woman of substance has mastered the art of enduring trials, wielding a skill that allows her to carry burdens with grace and resilience. Within the realm of her mental fortitude, she has achieved a proficiency over memory, emotions, reasoning, consciousness, imagination, and intrusive thoughts—a mental martial art where attacks, taunts, and traps are identified with a discerning eye, and navigated through with a positive acceptance, recognizing them as inevitable but temporal aspects of life.

Her mental stance is a reflection of ultimate wisdom, where what was once laborious and burdensome has transformed into ease. At the core of her approach is an unwavering faith, serving as both armor and weapon against mental assaults, taunts, and traps.

Blessed with divine favor and bestowed with the power of faith, she operates with a substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. Faith, as her primary tool, allows her to navigate through the mental challenges, envisioning the ultimate goal and providing her with a light-hearted, carefree, and playful approach to the troubles that may come her way. Through the lens of faith, she not only endures but emerges from each trial stronger and more resilient than before. She is actively undergoing real-life training to transform into a real-life superhero.




She is very mindful and specific with how she spends her time and where she direct her attention to. She approaches her time with meticulous precision, directing her attention deliberately. She recognizes the sacredness of her availability and reserves it for what holds utmost importance—primarily, she dedicates herself fully to God. Following closely, she extends her complete availability to her head, her husband, representing God in the physical realm. Her commitment encompasses her household, the very nucleus of her responsibilities in life.

Notably, she remains available for those in need, with a special focus on orphans and widows in their affliction. Even if she doesn't have children of her own, she treats those in need as her own, embodying a selfless and nurturing spirit. This way of life and mindset make her ever-prepared for her next mission. Central to her way of thinking is the belief that time is more precious and valuable than money.

Consequently, she invests significant effort from a young age to train herself not to squander her most valuable asset on vain, temporary, or futile pursuits. Through dedicated learning, practice, and eventually mastery, she becomes adept at channeling her time into the right endeavors. This skill extends to her financial acumen, as she becomes proficient in preserving resources for optimal use, ensuring that every investment, whether in time or money, serves the best purpose, in the best way, for the best reasons, and yields the best outcomes.



Quiet Spirit

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. -1 Peter 3:3-4 

In this passage, a "quiet spirit" conveys a serene and tranquil inner demeanor, it implies a sense of inner peace, composure, and subdued behavior over loudness or tumult. It embodies qualities like patience, humility, and serenity. This woman has in her a living non-querulous spirit, recognizing the value of preserving her energy for meaningful pursuits, people, and projects. She refrains from gossip and disparaging remarks, choosing silence unless her words carry utility, benefit, or impact.

This intentional approach reflects her desire for words laden with weight, meaning, and value—commands of respect and close attention. She understands the effect of silence and quietness, recognizing the power in it. Her preference for quietness is multifaceted. It allows for thoughtful observation, reflective introspection, heightened focus and concentration, effective listening, clear decision-making, emotional strength, and mastery of strategic communication.

She sees the power in silence and embraces it as a tool for resilience and adaptability. Essentially, her quietness emanates from an introspective nature. It serves as her way of internally processing emotions and the world, allowing her to respond with composed clarity and gentleness, keeping her thoughts and confidences as a sacred vault for both her Lord and her husband.



A Great Model

She comprehends that she serves as an extension of her Lord and husband, shaping her mindfulness towards the words she utters, her actions, and the messages she embodies. This awareness keeps her in close communion with them, fostering a natural and sincere desire to uphold their influence and command respect. Recognizing herself as a manifestation of her God, husband, and core beliefs, she effortlessly embodies and promotes these principles, creating a unique ripple effect in the world.

It's crucial to note that this authenticity shouldn't be misconstrued as an attempt to portray a contrived persona solely for acceptance or praise. Rather, it is an intrinsic quality that emanates naturally from her being. She doesn't force the assertion of being a role model; it unfolds organically. People are drawn to her, resonating with her authentic way of life, behavior, and approach. Her presence inspires and profoundly impacts others, subtly setting trends without intentional effort, courtesy of her innate prophetic gift given by God. With the ability to foresee and anticipate future events, she strategically acts, plans, builds, and redirects her path accordingly.




She is a woman of her word. She upholds her promises with unwavering commitment. As emphasized earlier, she is meticulous with her words because she believes in the power of genuine expression. She means what’s she says, and says what she means. Once she identifies the value, substance, and goodness in a cause, deciding it aligns with her principles, she stands resolute. No amount of allure, persuasion, or enticing words can sway her from her convictions. When entrusted with a responsibility, she remains dedicated until completion, ensuring the highest quality of her abilities.

Her steadfastness leaves an permanent imprint of trustworthiness, consistency, and stability in her interactions. Her approach to duties reflects a long-term and, in some cases, everlasting commitment, forging strong alliances and establishing a solid and respected reputation down the line. Her loyalty operates as a potent force, contributing to the resilience of relationships, teams, and communities. She consistently provides mutual and moral support to her connections, whom she regards as loved ones, fostering a positive and nurturing environment for individuals to grow and thrive.

In essence, her loyalty enhances team cohesion by promoting unity, collaboration, and a shared commitment to common goals. It fosters stability in relationships, offering a sense of security and predictability that positively impacts emotional well-being. In her case, loyalty serves as the bedrock for trust, creating a reliable foundation where individuals can depend on one another to uphold commitments and maintain integrity.




She possesses a keen sense of understanding, enabling her to differentiate between what is true and false, right and wrong, or beneficial and detrimental. She basically has a combination of intuition, wisdom, and critical thinking, allowing her to navigate complex situations with clarity and insight. Because of this she is great at decision-making processes, problem-solving, and assessing the nuances of different scenarios. By the grace of God, she is endowed with the ability to perceive, recognize, and distinguish among various elements, situations, or choices.

This divine gift empowers her to make sound judgments and insightful decisions through a careful evaluation of available information or circumstances. Her discernment is so refined and advanced that to many, she may appear wild, unconventional, boastful, or unreasonably optimistic due to the depth of her insight.



Courageous Honesty

She is not afraid. She stands unafraid, immune to manipulation or coercion. Blackmail and fear tactics find no purchase on her. She is not one you can put into captivity through fear. In moments of falling short, she fearlessly admits and confesses, aiming for swift resolution to prevent negative repercussions. She doesn't shy away from putting herself in jeopardy if it means saving others. Although her initial demeanor may be perceived as disagreeable or stubborn, with time, she becomes the person everyone seeks to build trust with or rely on.

Her fearless honesty fosters authentic connections where people feel liberated to express themselves openly. This honesty accelerates conflict resolution, cutting through deception and allowing the establishment of clear boundaries. In result, she is the cause of the alignment of things. The consistent practice of fearless honesty builds credibility, accountability, and integrity. Moreover, each instance contributes to personal growth and self-awareness.

In essence, her honest communication creates a positive and transparent environment, eliminating deceit and hidden agendas. By fostering clear, straightforward dialogue, her fearless honesty acts as a powerful antidote to deception, exposing falsehoods and revealing the truth. Her courage to speak truthfully in challenging situations showcases the strength of her character. This woman has fearless and steadfast integrity.




Conclusion: What's Up Next

In my next post, I will explore the types of women that men should steer clear of, drawing inspiration from King Solomon's teachings. Your strength can be your weakness, and weakness can be your strength. While women are undoubtedly a source of strength for men, they can also be the source of a downfall… sometimes death. In the forthcoming blog, I will delve into the characteristics of women with negative traits, shedding light on their tendencies and behaviors.

This information is crucial for men to be aware of, as they play a pivotal role as pillars of society. Understanding the dynamics of relationships with women, both in positive and negative contexts, is essential because, when men are down, society is down. Being mindful that women may be your downfall, equipping oneself with knowledge on how to navigate such situations is paramount. Stay tuned for valuable insights into recognizing and dealing with evil women.




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