MentalĀ Rapture


What we can Learn from Nature and God

Feb 04, 2024

"I wonder why we rarely take the time to uncover valuable insights that apply to our lives, understanding, and the world we inhabit..."

"I like to think about how the sun comes up every day. Once, I sat alone outside in a quiet place and felt really thankful for the nice feeling of sunlight on my face. It made me realize how much better the sun makes my life, and how I don't appreciate it enough. I observed that without the sun's steadfast consistency, we would all be deprived and lifeless. I find that realization quite fascinating. Like... If the sun didn't show up every day, we wouldn't be alive... I find that pretty cool and loving."


Dear reader,

Have you ever thought about how nature is the most independent, resourceful, powerful, and indispensable entity in the world and how despite its ability to exhibit wild behavior, unpredictable shifts, or retaliate for our mistreatment, it maintains a sacrificial nature? Nature remains loyal, constant, and consistently provides for us. How is this nature shared with the nature of God? Well, I sincerely believe that if you want to know God, you can simply observe nature. Let me explain what I mean with a few quick and simple examples.

I'd like to direct your attention to the essence of nature for a moment. I wholeheartedly believe there is something profound we can pull and learn from it. By paying close attention, we can discern its loving nature. If you're interested in understanding what love entails, exploring the characteristics of nature, learning how to identify it, or are simply curious about how nature loves and benefits us — and how this reflects the same with God’s nature — please read on.


What Nature does for you and me

The sun enlightens the entire earth every day without expecting anything in return from the earth and it's inhabitants. It simply fulfills every day the mission entrusted to it by our Creator. That is universal well-being. Universal well-being is living for others.

Never does any tree on earth produce fruit for itself; instead, it always does so for others. That is universal well-being. Universal well-being is living for others.

The purpose of all streams, of all rivers, the purpose of all the seas, is to go and rejuvenate the great basin without ever worrying that one day it might lack water. That is universal well-being. Universal well-being is living for others.


Notice the same pattern with God


What God does for you and me

Jesus our Lord, the great sun of justice, never used His power for Himself. He healed the sick, comforted the afflicted, and fed the hungry. That is universal well-being. Universal well-being is living for others.

Jesus Christ our Lord, the great vine of life, produced fruit, fruit refers to blessings. He produced brotherly love, he produced the Holy Spirit, he produced patience, so that we might consume them. That is universal well-being.

Universal well-being is living for others.

Always remember that Nature always typifies the spiritual. Therefore, we must live in the image of nature; we must live in the image of God; We must live in the image of God's nature.

That is universal well-being.

Universal well-being is living for others.



Love comes into Question

I want to connect this to the nature of love because I find that it describes the force running through nature and God. So, let us observe the nature of Love.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV (for the sake of simple language, but KJV is highly recommended)



Love exhibits a remarkable quality. It demonstrates resilience and constant provision in the face of challenges without being shattered or to destroyed. It is a substance that appears invincible, untouched and unenslaved by the past—past wrongdoings, flaws, traumas, memories, habits, fears, and doubts. Does this evoke something familiar from our human experience? Yes. Children! Children possess this incredible superpower. Children possess the remarkable ability to completely erase the negatives of the past, moving forward into the future armed with the lessons learned. They adopt a constant present approach, absorbing their experiences in the moment. What's truly impressive is their ability to live in this way, free from the burden of negative memories, past pains, and trauma. Instead, they filter valuable understanding, wisdom, and knowledge, embracing a clean slate of mind. With a fearless readiness, they tackle the future.

Have you encountered someone who, despite facing numerous life trials, battles, and wars, maintains the ability to radiate light? Make the connection... They have this enduring quality that children possess. Love. It is crucial to cultivate the skill of recognizing love, so we are able to discern who is in our circle and lives.

This ability to throw evil and wrongdoings to the sea of forgetfulness is noteworthy. Additionally, observe that love seems to endure a challenging journey initially to preserve life but culminates in the most rewarding of rewards. This reward seems intricately tied to eternity—a state of infinite, unending time, an endless life after death. Now, we can understand why it said that "Love is a mystery"... it truly is. There is so much to dig, explore, and unpack there. But this isn't the today's focus.

It might go unnoticed, but as humans, we inherently yearn for love above all else. We actively seek it in our actions, group affiliations, societies, friendships, bonds, and various engagements. From birth, we carry a profound thirst and hunger to connect with a source, hence why individuals seek connection through nature, spirituality, substances, intimacy, sex, wealth, and other avenues... or portals, I should say... We crave something enduring to fill the infinite void, seeking peace, tranquility, and a steadfast and everlasting assurance that only love can provide.

I understand that terms like 'eternity' and 'everlasting' might be challenging for some readers to grasp, as we've been conditioned to believe such things are not possible. However, I'll be honest with you – I believe they are. If we find comfort in repeating phrases like 'there is no limit,' 'anything is possible,' or 'you can do anything you set your mind to,' why can't the same mindset be applied to concepts like eternity, invincibility, and immortality? Just a thought...


Returning to the nature of love, when we examine its opposing force, selfishness, we can say that living selfishly and alone with a mentality of "forget love," "I'll be single," "I will play this many people," or "I don't trust anyone" was not our intended path.

We were intended to live in a way that transcends selfishness, isolation, and suspicion, rejecting a mindset of "rejecting love," "embracing singleness," or "distrusting everyone." That is with a “fuck love,” “I'ma be single,” “I don’t trust anyone” mentality. The prevalent greed and selfishness in this world is the greatest threat to humanity's well-being and downfall.  This mindset is the fundamental cause of many of our contemporary global issues and the reason for our shortcomings in worldly matters today.


Reflective Homework for You

Before you even think about if your partner or those around you have these qualities, start at the very beginning because that is how good introspective work is done. Ask yourself: Do I possess these qualities? Do I know love? Do I know how to love? Am I more a stranger to love than I think I am? Did I receive this in my upbringing? If not, can I accept this truth and do something positive about it? Should I take time to explore love? How much time am I willing to put in this search of love? Do I even want love?

Go through the list:

  • Patient
  • Kind
  • Not envious
  • Not boastful
  • Not proud
  • Not dishonoring others
  • Not self-seeking
  • Not easily angered
  • No record of wrongs
  • Does not delight in evil
  • Rejoices with the truth
  • Always protects
  • Always trusts
  • Always hopes
  • Always perseveres


Now, ask yourself: Do I have these qualities? Do I miss some of these qualities? Which qualities are more attractive to me? What qualities are my strengths and weaknesses?



Today, you been exposed to a fraction of valuable insights that prompts introspective reflection on the most significant aspects of life. You gained a glimpse of knowledge about nature, God, and love, gaining understanding on how they manifest in diverse forms yet share an essential essence. You were challenged to think about the idea of us being fashioned in nature, God, or love's image.

From now one, when you find yourself out of sync with this image: (Universal well-being is living for others) Love...  understand that straying from this alignment can leave you in an never-ending and unbearable confusion, sensing an inner void. It's a sign of an unfulfilled yearning for the fruits. The fruits of the spirit. You were not wired to live and serve for yourself but to connect and serve others, like nature, God, and love. This emptiness stems from an ingrained, self-harming tendency developed through life's challenging experiences in your childhood (believing selfishness, guarding yourself, is the means of protection). This void stems from the hunger and thirst within your being for the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 


Knowing that nature, God, love laid out an endless feast just for you. That you are blessed to have access to it's buffet. Why not eat and drink from it? Healing may be scary, painful, and difficult at first, but trust me, it's a flavor you won't regret savoring. Take a seat at the soul-nourishing table. Nourish your soul; transform into the image of God; adopt his nature; it's a journey worth taking!



Le bien-être universel par Jean Sylvain Akoula (Nature observation)

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (Love)

Genesis 1:27 (Created in God's image)

Galatians 5: 22-23 (Fruits of the spirit)

Isaiah 14:13-15 (selfishness)




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