MentalĀ Rapture

Character Through Patience

character god patience self-developmemnt Mar 06, 2024

"Patience is a virtue that is nearly extinct in modern society. Is it still important today?"

"God's will for us is perfection. And that perfection is patience. Patience is waiting on God. And waiting on God is a process. And this process, is the process of character development."

Character Trough Patience

Dear Reader,

I aspire to illuminate the understanding of those who have been greatly troubled by the notion of being "perfect" before God. What we often perceive as perfection differs from what truly defines perfection in His eyes. To Him, perfection embodies patience. His people are characterized by their capacity for waiting. Why? Because patience is a profound manifestation of faith. As this virtue increasingly eludes the average human, those who still embody it will be distinguished and acknowledged as perfect. This is vital because he wants his people ready and eligible for rulership, leadership, and management in the millennium, a time when his government reigns for 1000 years before the great war between both kingdoms.

Essentially, perfection isn't about fixating on what you perceive as flaws. It involves: 1. Trusting in His word for this last hour (age), and 2. Cultivating self-mastery through patient endurance. This process strips away vile and ungodly traits like selfishness, hatred, impatience, envy, aggression, violence, quarrelsomeness, (etc) and transforms them into humility, self-discipline, and a temperament that resists exploitation, abuse, or corruption when in positions of authority and power.

Would you allow anyone to govern your Kingdom? No. Likewise with God. 


While many are engaged in endless debates about sinfulness and condemnation, they overlook his simple and fundamental message to human kind, the truth: Faith. The sole requirement is belief.


Without trust, no help, healing, transformation or revival from traumatizing experiences is possible, and without belief in God's existence, approaching Him is futile. Pleasing Him hinges on faith alone.

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6


The only true sin, according to God, is disbelief

It's not about your current imperfections, state, conditions, or infirmities; it's about believing in His word. Trusting what He says about you despite others' opinions. Trusting in His promises, teachings, advice, and words—believing that what is said about his coming and him being able to save you, is true... and that there isn't much time to fully understand everything with logic, reasoning, or proof... He knows what's best for you. And you're job is to literally take that leap of faith.

That's what renders you acceptable in His eyes. That's what saves you.



Consider this scripture below: 

...Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope...

- Romans 5:3-5


Meaning of Patience

It's the ability to endure difficult circumstances calmly and without complaint, to wait for things to happen or for results to manifest without becoming frustrated or giving up easily.



Let me break down what is important to pull from this.


1. God's will is for us to reach perfection: This implies that there is a divine plan or desire for human beings to achieve a state of moral or spiritual completeness. Different religious traditions might interpret the concept of "perfection" in various ways, but it generally involves growth, improvement, and moving closer to divine qualities or standards.


2. Perfection is achieved through patience: Patience is seen as a virtue that is essential for personal development. It involves the ability to wait, endure, and remain steadfast in the face of adversity or delay without becoming annoyed or anxious.


3. Patience involves waiting on God: This suggests an active reliance on divine timing and guidance rather than rushing according to one's own plans. It denotes a trust in God's timing and a submission to divine authority.


4. Waiting on God is a process of character development: This phase emphasizes that through the act of waiting and trusting in divine timing, a person undergoes transformation. This transformation is geared towards building character, understood as the set of qualities or virtues that make someone morally good.


5. This process is character development: It reiterates that the essence of this journey is the development of one's character. Through patience and trust in divine will, an individual is refined and molded into a better version of themselves.


6. The only true sin, according to God, is disbelief. It's not about you... your current imperfections, state, conditions, or infirmities; it's about him... believing in His word. Humble yourself... Get over yourself and give him more credit. You are human, he is a God. Life is not a selfish journey, it's not all about you. Re-shift your focus from 'yourself' (because you cannot save yourself, you are fully dependent on God), to God (what he can do for you, because ultimately if things go wrong and you need to beg for mercy, he is the only one who can spare it). Focus on his simple and fundamental message to human kind, the truth: Faith... Believe... Have faith in him. Believe in him. That is it. The sole requirement to please, be in connection,  and be in favour of God is belief. FAITH.


So, is it still important to cultivate patience today? The answer is: It depends on what you want out of your life. He is sovereign, but he still permits agency and free choice. So it is up to you decide whether or not you would like to seek and discover him yourself. This journey is solitary. 



I wanted to share this quick blog to because this viewpoint integrates patience, trust in divine will, and character development into a cohesive spiritual journey towards perfection. It highlights the importance of internal growth and the virtues of patience and trust in your spiritual walk with God. Your personal relationship with God.


I leave you with this question:

Do you know God personally, like you know a loved one who could vouch for you if needed?

It's one thing to know of God, and another to have a personal relationship with Him.

Attending church, being part of a religious community, listening to sermons, or even engaging in spiritual practices like prayer or prophecy doesn't automatically mean you have a personal relationship with God.


So, knowing this, can you truly say that you know God personally?



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