MentalĀ Rapture

Seven 2024 Goals Suggestions

character faith goals gratitude mental mentalhealth newyear suffering Jan 01, 2024

"What are your personal objectives or recommendations for the coming year?" 

2024 Goal 1: Keep mind clean and spacious for necessary & essential thoughts only by rigorously maintaining its filter. Preserve a clear and focused mind, allowing only necessary and essential thoughts, by strictly maintaining its filter. Why are children so energetic, light-hearted, forgiving, and forward-thinking? It's because they aren't burdened by mental clutter; their minds are still unspoiled. They haven't been weighed down by the constant 'feeds' of information and stimuli.

If you know you have a purpose and something valuable to offer, it becomes both a pleasure and a responsibility to maintain this mental clarity. Reflect on how you handle something you regard as precious and promising, such as a diamond ring or a dream car: Do you not exercise caution in its exposure, carefully choose who has access to it, or maybe even restrict its access to a select few? This might mean taking necessary breaks from technology, media, or social interactions to preserve the sanctity of your mind.

In today’s world, where your mind is your most valuable asset, it's crucial to protect and keep it uncluttered and sharp. Everything you do originates from this source, so if it requires periodic breaks from technology, media, or social interactions to maintain mental clarity, then it’s worth considering.



2024 Goal 2: Reach ethical excellence. If you've compromised your integrity or been dishonest with yourself or others, set a goal to overcome these regrets by embracing honesty. Remember, dishonesty is not just self-betrayal; it's a form of disrespect towards yourself and others. True self-respect is only attainable through an earnest commitment to ethical behavior, requiring profound self-honesty and courage. Consider the profound impact of consistently speaking the truth in your life. Are you prepared to accept the challenge of this noble endeavor?



2024 Goal 3: Master the art of Suffering. If you do not master the art of suffering... If you're not adept at enduring hardships, and opt for shortcuts for the comfort, sacrificing character for the 'easy way' prepared to be bent over. Without this skill, seeking comfort through shortcuts and easy choices often leads to compromising one's character. Although I firmly believe in the power of love and achieving rapture, it's important to recognize that the path to these heights is often paved with trials and tribulations. Life inherently involves suffering, and learning to navigate this aspect effectively requires a significant shift in attitude and mindset. Adapting your perspective is essential to face and accept reality with resilience. When you learn to handle life's struggles adeptly, every challenge begins to seem less daunting, almost trivial. This mastery can transform your life experience, making difficult paths seem easier to tread



2024 Goal 4: Train your mind to see the positive in every situation. Quite straight forward. Cultivate a mindset that consistently finds positivity in every circumstance. This isn't about ignoring or denying the negatives in a delusional manner, but rather about acknowledging them, devising solutions, and then focusing on transforming every situation into something beneficial



2024 Goal 5: Thank everything you have, everyone you meet, and everything that happens. Appreciate all that you possess, every person you encounter, and every event that occurs. Embrace thankfulness in every situation. Recall the toughest days you've faced in the past; you made it through. Understand that worrying doesn't extend your life. Instead, focus on being consistently grateful, regardless of the circumstances. This practice will not only bring peace but also strengthen your resilience. Remember, with gratitude, you'll always find a way to be okay.



2024 Goal 6: Activate your Sixth Sense: Faith. That is to develop the habit of looking at the unseen (through faith; spiritual eyes, not your physical eyes; using spiritual insight rather than relying solely on your physical senses) will help clear the path for boundless benevolence to flow into your life, showering you with divine blessings that provide a glimpse of heaven.

Developing this habit enables you to perceives the unseen or intangible wealth that are worth preserving your character for.

Invest in those enduring intangible (unseen) things that will safeguard your existence: Loyalty, Truth, Love...

Materialistic pursuits like wealth, fame, status, worldly education, and titles may lose their luster over time. They can offer comfort and temporary security, but cannot offer true and complete security.



2024 Goal 7: Raise you consciousness and awareness: Imagine, for a moment, that Socrates was indeed right when he declared, "I know that I know nothing." Irrespective of your level of educational or career attainment, maintaining humility is paramount, for there is always more to learn about life, even from those who have never set foot in a classroom. After all, isn't it often the impoverished and marginalized individuals who inspire us the most?

The essence of my message is this: Let us preserve our humble and childlike attitude, remaining open to expanding our consciousness and awareness. Regardless of how 'wise' or 'intelligent' we may become, there will always be realms of knowledge that elude us.



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