The Preface 

This program was inspired by and created in respect of our genuine care for humanity. It solemnly reflects the most vital subject matter in human history: the betterment of humanity's physical, mental, and spiritual state, encapsulated in one word: HEALTH.

The aim is to maximizes human experience and potential of children, young and mature adults, and elders. We recorded and put together the teachings, perspectives, and advice on character development from my father for over 20 years in aim to share it with the world. His encouragements will be communicated at the best of the our abilities and efforts to help those who are in need of character development and mental healing. 

This has been such a transformational writing process. Building this project required us to face harsh truths about human life and human nature, as well as discover vile elements that fill our human mind which are not easy to swallow, but necessary to bring to light. 

We are more than certain and confident that the school of Nature of Character will help anyone who is ready to look forward to a hopeful future and longs to experience an irreversible breakthrough in their life. We are eager to share key, simple, and fundamental teachings that will help sharpen, solidify, and establish your character, giving you the ability to overcome yourself and endure any life circumstance.

We are excited for you, the learner, to discover and learn how to think, view, handle, and respond to life like a winner in life's race.


Our Mission 

In essence, we help weak + shallow minded individuals transform into strong + resilient minded individuals so they can endure + overcome any complex suffering and circumstance in lifeThis transformation cultivates the virtue of effective problem-solving.

Because our school believes that all human problems stem from the mind, we are focused on providing formulas to complex domains of mental suffering in order to restore the well-being of those who are called to do so. We view the mind as one's greatest asset, which must be trained and protected at all cost. It must be emphasized that we are interested in solving these problems at its core. Not to merely offer band-aid solutions. We achieve this by revisiting simple & overlooked foundational and basic principles of Life.

We believe that the answers to unleash mental blocks are hidden in what most people overlook, underestimate, and neglect: SimplicityStating the obviousThis is the method we use to reintroduce these foundational and basic principles of Life, in order to solidify, sharpen, and establish the Character of the youth and all other individuals. Our approach is designed to cultivate the courage needed to face future events and significantly increase odds of survival.



The 5 Ws 


Recently founded, The Nature of Character Academy is a school that challenges the impossible by focusing on renewing the minds of their faculty, students, and supporters through our Character Development Training Program that is based on the basic and foundational principles of Life.

We are earnest and diligent about our intensive-research on formulas to complex domains of suffering in life by bringing together authentic and genuine minds from every conceivable background and discipline to collaborate on the world’s most pressing mental challenges.



We prepare our students to face delightful and harsh realities of life through an outstanding education rooted in sincerity, soundness, and Truth. We teach formulas to complex domains of mental suffering in life through a Character Development Training Program. Students can expect; Disciplinary teachingsTruthful realities of lifeHow to think like a winnerHow to respect and Love yourselfHow to overcome adversitiesHow to deal with hardshipBuilding your future, Investing in yourself; Dealing with insecuritiesWorking with enemiesHow deal with unfairnessHow to make good decisions; and so on. The gist of what we teach is the attainment of good and strong character.



Large packaged courses will be released on a semester based period. Small packaged courses will be released on a trimestrial period.



These courses will be conducted online.



We do not feel comfortable with the amount of people who have not developed character in their childhood, whether they be advantaged or disadvantaged. We recognize that the modern family is broken and demoralized. Leaving our future leaders to be unprepared and unequipped for the future. 

We want individuals to win in life by developing and establishing a solid and steadfast character. Our teachings are meant to solidify your foundation and keep you rooted for good. Being rooted is what gives one the ability to sustain, endure, and master the art of handling all forms of oppositions, attacks, obstacles, and storms in life. It gives one the ability to overcome any circumstance or trial of life. We find this a great reason to focus on building character.




The chaotic and decaying state of the human condition and our world is the result of lies. We have become accustomed to being dishonest with one another to gain social points. This has caused us to neglect or deliberately reject basic Life values and principles. This hinders the growth, freedom, and promising future of the individual. Suffocating Truth by immoral means and rewarding anything against it results in raising an undeveloped and untrained people.  


Pinpointed Issue in question: Principle, Value, and Moral decay. Increase in egocentric, materialistic, and superficial mindset. Lack of opportunities for character development

Pinpointed target solution: Formulas to complex suffering in life through a Character Development Program

Pinpointed Value: Committed to restoring lost virtues by revisiting basic principles and solidifying the foundation

Pinpointed Culture: Truth, Integrity, Respect, Love, Self-Control, and Reverence for God

Pinpointed audience: For those who can recognize their ill condition and want to heal. We also target, future decision makers and builders: the youth.

Pinpointed beliefSimple, basic, fundamental, and small things are essential


The future of a society rests on its young people. But with changed priorities: from making money to live to living to make money, a more individual and materialistic mindset has been instilled in the decision makers and builders of the future.

This new mindset has made the individual less considerate of the damage their eagerness to amass wealth and power to no end has on the atmosphere, the family structure, and our soul. Our school is more focused on the first step to helping people reach Rapture. This entails reseting, rewiring, and renewing the mind. Setting and rooting it on healthy and fertile ground. We believe that wealth and power are good, but are concerned about the greed that drives humans to destruction. This is about ensuring that maturity reaches the youth before we hand them the power. Think about it...Would you feel comfortable handing an undisciplined and amateur money, power... or a weapon? How do you think power will be handled by someone with bad character vs someone with good character?



This is offered to anyone.

This is not limited by Age, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Educational attainment, Geographic Area, Social class, Creed, anybody is welcomed to join. We have special concern for those who are disadvantage. No one is a stranger. But rather, a brother or sister to us.

This IS for a person who:

-Is humble

-Who can take criticism

-Who is coming with an open and fertile mind

-Who does not or want to learn not to submit to peer-pressure (people pleasing)

-Who does not look to gain social points but to gain a strong character

-Who does not obsess over building a good-looking reputation (superficial layer)

-Who seeks, appreciates, or love Truth

-Who is desperate for maturity and character development because they recognize their weaknesses and wants to eliminate them


This IS for a person who

-Lacks humility

-Who likes to be told what they want to hear (sugar coating/flattery)

-Who is coming with an argumentative or defensive mind

-Who submits to peer-pressure (people pleasing)

-Looks to gain social points or credit

-Building a fake 'good' reputation

-Who like lies

-Who deems themselves to be perfect and in no need of any adjustments


This is NOT for a person who:

-Lacks humility

-Who likes to be told what they want to hear (sugar coating/flattery)

-Who is coming with an argumentative or defensive mind

-Who submits to peer-pressure (people pleasing)

-Looks to gain social points or credit

-Building a fake 'good' reputation

-Who like lies

-Who deems themselves to be perfect and in no need of any adjustments






The school of Nature of Character does not only take delight showing ourselves in all respects to be a model of good works but finds it vital and crucial. In our teachings we show truth, integrity, dignity, and sound speech.

We do not tolerate lies, crookedness, and immorality. We consider these to be an abomination. 

Code of Ethics

Wanting to Explore the Idea of Overcoming yourself? 

Prepare to establish, solidify, and refine your character. We invite and encourage you to explore the free outline of the first module of our course. This preview will give you an insight into what our premium course offers and showcase the types of courses we provide to address the specific pinpointed issues mentioned in the sections above.

Enter your information below and we will send it your way