Empowering individuals with unshakable Character


A Course meticulously crafted to help you understand and overcome the complex domains of modern day suffering. Learn valuable formulas to navigate the complexities of life and mental challenges, enabling you to find your true identity and make better decisions.



MODULE 1: Section 1 of section 2: The foundation: Components of your House (Character)


Module 1.1: Introduction to Character and its Different Types - Learn the Basics

  • Character: What is it? Understanding the meaning of Character. 
  • Personality VS Character: Understanding the distinction between these two concepts.
  • What are the types of character?: Exploring the different character archetypes.
  • What is the difference between good and bad character?: Exploring the qualities that define strong character.
  • Examples of Characters with Strong Character: Drawing inspiration from fictional and real-life individuals.
  • Why is Character Considered the Foundation of a Person?: Understanding the importance of laying the foundation
  • Quotes of Greats on Character: Wisdom from notable figures.


Module 1.2: An Absolute - Learn the Basics

  • Absolute: What is it?: Defining what an absolute is.

  • What are the Types of Absolute?: Exploring different absolutes.

  • Lie vs Truth?: Understanding what they are and the thin line between them.

  • Examples of Characters and Their Absolutes: How one knows what their absolute is based on and How characters' absolutes shape their actions.

  •  Quotes of Greats on Absolute: Insights from influential thinkers.


Module 1.3: Identity - Learn the Basics

  • Identity: What is it?: Unpacking the concept of identity.
  • Vessel?: What is it: Where does an Identity originates from? 
  • Influence on Identity: Factors that can impact or distort one's identity: What can influence, tamper, corrupt, or steal your identity? What not to attach your identity to?
  • Identity Crisis: Discussing this phenomenon and its connection to mental health. What is an Identity Crisis? Connection between an Identity Crisis and Mental Health -Is an Identity Crisis a good thing?

  • Quotes of Greats on Identity: Words of wisdom related to self-identity.


Module 1.3: Attitude - Learn the Basics

  • Mindset: What is it?
  • Attitude: What is it? 
  • Countenance: Unravelling the meaning of countenance.
  • Stance: Delving into the meaning of stance.
  • Attitude vs. Mindset: Differentiating between these terms.

  • Types of Attitudes: Where does attitude come from? Exploring various attitudes.

  • Good vs. Bad Attitude: Recognizing the impact of attitude.

  • Attitude as the Gas of the Vehicle: Understanding its significance.

  • Quotes of Greats on Attitude: Insights from influential figures.


Module 1.4: Ego - Learn the Basics

  • Ego: What is?: Defining ego and its origins. What gives birth to it? 

  • Alter Ego/Fantasy World: Exploring this concept. What is an Alter-Ego/ fantasy world?

  • The Relationship between Ego and Lies and Pride: 
  • Ego vs. Confidence: Distinguishing between the two.

  • Effects of Ego on Humanity: Reflecting on its impact.

  • Quotes of Greats on Ego: Wisdom from historical figures. 


Module 1.6: Humility - Learn the Basics 

  • Humility: What is it?: Understanding humility and its source.

  • The Relationship Humility and Character: How do they relate? 

  • Humility vs. Weakness: Differentiating between the two.

  • Benefits of Humility: Recognizing its positive effects.

  • Quotes of Greats on Humility: Insights from renowned individuals.



Module 1.7: Decision - Learn the Basics 

  • The Greatest Battle fought is in the mind: Where Decisions originate
  • A decision: What is it?: Why decisions are armours, weapon, and investment?
  • The Gift of Decision Making: Embracing the free will to make a choice

  • The Power of a Decision: Acknowledging its significance and understanding why every decision matters. 

  • Types of Decisions: Exploring decision-making. What influences decisions

  • Influence on Decisions: Emotions vs Soundness:  Balancing emotions and soundness.

  • Effects of Lukewarmness (Indecisiveness) : What does indecisiveness look like? What are it's obvious and hidden forms? The Side effect of indecision.


Module 1.8: An Atmosphere - Learn the Basics 

  • The Power of an Atmosphere: Considering its impact and understanding why the subject to consider 

  • An Atmosphere: What is it? Dissecting the meaning of an Atmosphere.
  • Types of Atmosphere: Exploring different environmental contexts.
  •  The Power of an Atmosphere (Nature Analogy).
  • Influences on Atmosphere: What creates and influences an atmosphere? Music, media, and surroundings.

  • Quotes of Greats on Atmosphere: Insights from notable voices.




What You Gain:




CHAR101: Building Character (Your Home)

Is CHAR101 the right course for me? 

  • CHAR101 is the first sequence to building a strong character for students of life intending to achieve a meaningful earthly life experience. For students who want to engage in overcoming and transforming themselves and the world by reflecting on the realities of life and human nature, and exploring solutions for the normative problems of society. Its only prerequisite is humility and a positive attitude.


Course Objectives:

The course has 3 objectives

  1. Character Concepts: We will study various concepts in Character building and development (foundations, absolutes, limits, personality, values, attitudes, habits, motives, thoughts, behaviours, etc.). We want you to build a mental framework of solid character that serves as a foundation for future learning.
  2. Problem solving to Decision making: We want to train you in the art of problem solving and decision making. In your life and future, you will come to face with problems you have not seen before. We want you to be able to figure out by yourself how to adjust the methods you know to fit the new situations and to be confident with your decisions that will lead to solutions. You can only achieve this by understanding the concepts rather than memorizing information, formulas, and methods. 
  3. Application: We will introduce you to many different ways to apply these concepts to understand yourself and the world around you. We want you to see through the lens of Character building, so that you may be comfortable to take on a situation as best as possible.

Questions we cover

In this course we will address the following questions:

    1. What is character? Why should we understand a single meaning of it in different ways?
    2. Why is it important to highlight and focus on building “Character”?
    3. How do you build character?
    4. What are the steps and concepts we must not overlook to achieve good character?
    5. How do you measure it?
    6. What is the difference between good character and bad character?
    7. What are the benefits of building and having good character?
    8. How do we model the real-world with a solid character?
    9. How can we solve novel problems that are unlike any you have encountered before with good character?
    10. What do people with good character do and not do? Tolerate and do not tolerate? How do they think and handle situations?

What's Included In The CHAR101: Building Character (Your Home) course...




The foundation: Components of your House (Character)

Your character is the basis of your life. Gain basic understanding of the meaning and the value of Character. 

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • Define the concept of Character
  • Identify qualities that make up a person’s character
  • Identify and distinguish the most common forms of character and qualities

  • Understand and Explain the criteria for obtaining each qualities of a good character

  • Describe the protection that each quality of a good character provides 

You will finish this course with a complete picture of what makes up your character; gain a new, clean, and sharp perspective of yourself and life; as well as learn how to use the knowledge learnt in your day to day life situations.


The Tools needed to Build your House (Character)

The next step is to learn what tools are used to build a sharp character. To acquaint yourself with the tools that make up a meaningful life. With the correct tools, building a home becomes possible.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • Identity and know the tools needed to build Character
  • Understand the criteria for obtaining each tool to build character
  • Describe the value and importance of each tool used to build character
  • Gain a good idea of how to build character
  • Learn how winners make the best use out of these tools

You will finish this module with an idea of what to store up in order to build a solid character. As well as be equipped to make a plan to make it a reality.


The Steps to Building hour House (Character)

The secret to building Character is to not skip the boring basic skills and steps of life. 

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this modules, you should be able to:

  • Identify the simple steps to building your Character
  • Understand the vital skills needed in order to become an overcomer
  • Know the best strategies for decluttering your mind
  • Know the best methods to keep control of and track of your thoughts, tendencies, and behaviours
  • Learn, understand, and develop the appropriate mindset to stay consistent with the building of your character   

 You’ll finish this module with your effective plan for the next 2 years.


How to Maintain and Protect your House (Character)

For many, learning how to build your home (character) is enough. But knowing to protect it by setting and preserving boundaries is vital. Without it, one can never overcome themselves and the life obstacles that confront them.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this modules, you should be able to:

  • Understand the practices you must make use of to overcome yourself and protect your new nature
  • Detect, identify and eliminate self-sabotaging tendencies
  • Identify healthy habits needed to maintain and protect your new nature of Character
  • Understand how much work you need to put in for maintenance and protection
  • Understand the types of sacrifices that must be taken in order to achieve, maintain, and protect your new nature of character 
  • Know the best way to avoid corruption of Character
  • Know the secrets to feeding and nourishing your Character
  • The red and green flags to look out for to maintain and protect your Character
  • The methods winners utilize to preserve their Character

You will finish this course with tools, a plan, and a road map to overcoming yourself. You will be gifted with advice that will help you make intelligent decisions and investments for a steadfast and unbreakable character and future. 

About Your Instructor


A problem-solving, multi-lingual, and effective assistant manager who's interest lies in providing formulas to complex domains of mental suffering. Genuinely passionate about helping, supporting, and working with people who suffer disadvantage, loss and any form of infirmity through serving, teaching, and encouragement.

An expert at adapting under fast-paced and difficult circumstances. Able to grasp and apply new procedures quickly, embrace change, and take initiative all while maintaining integrity. 

Over 12 years of customer service, sales, communication, managerial, interpreting, leadership, creation, teaching, and cleaning experience. Experience assisting, serving, instructing, and teaching immigrant and native youth, adults, and seniors in Canada.

Hobbies include: hermeneutical and critical thinking, speaking, and writing; sports; graphic design; meditation in solitude; creation of efficient and energy-friendly methods and formulas for life; decluttering, cleaning, and organizing; and nature and human gazing. 

I will be the main point of contact and will be instructing a handful of courses provided on this platform. Feel open and free to reach out to the team or myself by clicking the following email: [email protected]

I appreciate your time and interest. And although you are still thinking about whether you would like to start your mental training or not, I am already anticipating (with excitement), for you to join this program, overcome yourself, and see results!

I am not currently accepting clients due to current projects.


CHAR101: Building Character  

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4 monthly payments


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2 monthly payments


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If you are not in the best financial position, please see "Fees" section under the FAQ section below or on our Contact Page for further information and instructions. 




Courses, Coursework, and Final Assessments 





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The School of Nature of Character's Background and Story.

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Released after 01/09/2024